​​Percentage of Support Raised:  98%

Mad 4 Life Ministries

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Outreach Methods

*Teaching & Preaching

*Door-to-Door Evangelism

*Outreach Events

*Volunteering in local schools

*Teaching English

Our Strategy

7&7 in 1 Plan for Church Multiplication 

The Lord has given the Longs a vision to reach the people of Madagascar with His message, and they are trusting Him to move in a mighty way as they work to accomplish the goal. The Longs desire to start 7 churches in the capital city and 7 village churches within a 100 km radius from the city.

1) Reach and disciple individuals who will then reach out to other Malagasy people
Start 1 church and pour into the people who attend the church in a way that they will become mature, discipled believers so that they can then start other churches in different areas of the city.

Equip Malagasy believers to start 7 village churches
Identify individuals within the city churches who have roots in outlying villages and equip them to go into their own villages and reach other Malagasy people.
It is our desire to live out 2 Timothy 2:2 in a practical way on the island of Madagascar.
We want to REACH - GROW - REPRODUCE2 Timothy 2:2, “And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.”